a. Read the following text (including the detective's questions) and fill in the blanks with a past form of to be (was, were, wasn't or weren't).
A thief stole a computer and printer from an office on campus Saturday at 10:00. Sandy __________ in the parking lot across from the office, standing next to her car. She saw him for only a few minutes, but she __________ sure she could identify him. The police officers __________ happy to have a witness, but they __________ sure how much Sandy saw from the parking lot. Sandy __________ positive she could answer the detectives' questions.
the detective's questions:
- __________ you near the ESL office at 10:00 on Saturday?
- Why __________ you on campus on a Saturday?
- __________ the office open when you arrived?
- __________ you able to see anyone run out of the office?
- What __________ in his hands?
- How tall __________ he?
- What color __________ his hair?
- __________ his clothes old or new?
- __________ his clothes expensive?
- How old __________ he?
- __________ he someone you knew?
b. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the past form of the verb given.
Last week Tom and his dad __________ (go) downtown. When they __________ (come) to the market, they __________ (see) a new banana booth. Since Tom loved bananas and __________ (beg) his dad to buy some, his dad __________ (buy) one for him. Tom immediately __________ (eat) the banana and __________ (throw) the skin on the ground. Neither Tom nor his dad __________ (care) about the man who __________ (slip) on the banana skin and __________ (fall). However, when Tom's dad __________ (slip) on another skin, he __________ (hurt) himself and __________ (grow) angry. So, he __________ (realise) that Tom should not have thrown the skin on the ground. Therefore, he __________ (smack) his son's bottom.
Grammar Review
Write the following verbs verb phrases in their past forms.
study __________ drink __________
cook __________ fight __________
iron __________ go shopping __________
wash __________ have lunch __________
talk __________ read __________
play volleyball __________ run __________
shower the plants __________ sweep __________
walk __________ write __________
Work in pairs. Student A writes questions about student B's activity yesterday based on the pictures and student B answers the questions in complete sentences. Do as the examples.